I have shared the HOW TO technique on "Using Telegram Bot to Share Information to Telegram Channel" in my previous post. It gains attention quite good of knowledge wanting to share inform...
In this post, I want to introduce and teach you how to solve the problem with automation. As you already know that in my post related to Cambodia Geography, I manually export the data which is time...
Secure your website means caring for visitors. One of the most important tasks to communicate well with your audience is to make sure your website is secured. HTTPS is an extension of Hypertext Tra...
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process of improving your site to increase visibility for relevant searches. As you may already hear about the term SEO which is used wisely when people talkin...
PHP is a programming language that is widely used all around the world. Facebook, the biggest social media platform nowadays also begin its journey with PHP as well. In order to host your web appli...
Apache is the most well-known software used as webserver. Apache is open-source software available for free. it is fast, secure, and super reliable. Most web applications or software written b...
In the previous post, we have introduced you to steps to own your first digital ocean cloud server or droplet. Now we want to guide you to install MySQL database version 8 into your ...
As you already know most websites always have a contact us form, where visitors can communicate with blogs or website owners based on their needs. Configuring or finding a mail server is time-consu...