Implementation of Full Text Search in PostgreSQL 13
New Trends   PostgreSQL  

Implementation of Full Text Search in PostgreSQL 13

INTRODUCTION Full-Text Search (FTS) is a method used by search engines to find results in a database. It can be utilized to bootstrap search results on websites like e-commerces, newsp...

20 Aug 2021 SETHA THAY 4105
The Reason to Write Meaningful Commits
Technologies   General Knowledge   New Trends  

The Reason to Write Meaningful Commits

This article will introduce about reasons/advantages of git commits and the commit message convention you should follow and apply. Version control systems (VCS) are wisely used as repositories...

09 Aug 2021 SETHA THAY 1431
Why Programmers Should BLOG?
General Knowledge   New Trends  

Why Programmers Should BLOG?

In this post, I would like to share an article that inspires me to create this blog journey regardless of money-making throughout the process. The article was written by Adrian Twaorg, he is a blog...

24 Jul 2021 SETHA THAY 1505
Managing High Availability Database Cluster with Repmgr (PostgreSQL 13 and Repmgr 5.2)
Technologies   New Trends   Tools   PostgreSQL  

Managing High Availability Database Cluster with Repmgr (PostgreSQL 13 and Repmgr 5.2)

In a previous post, I shared how to install PostgreSQL 13 on Ubuntu 20.4 which you will get a workable data cluster instance of PostgreSQL. In the real world, the databases will be managing in...

05 Jul 2021 SETHA THAY 5677
The practical SEO rules to apply to your website for further optimization
Technologies   New Trends   Tools  

The practical SEO rules to apply to your website for further optimization

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process of improving your site to increase visibility for relevant searches. As you may already hear about the term SEO which is used wisely when people talkin...

07 Jun 2021 SETHA THAY 1476
Steps to Own Your First Digital Ocean Cloud Server or Droplet
Technologies   New Trends   Cloud Services  

Steps to Own Your First Digital Ocean Cloud Server or Droplet

Dreaming of owning a server for your development or deployment is not a difficult task anymore due to the popularity of cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Digit...

06 Jun 2021 SETHA THAY 2352

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