CRUDBooster an effective CRUD generator to bootstrap laravel web application development

3 years ago SETHA THAY 3785
CRUDBooster an effective CRUD generator to bootstrap laravel web application development

In the previous post, I wrote about setting up a new project with laravel sail and docker on window 10 which is a new development model for these recent years. This is because of the popularity of Docker and Kubernetes for software development. In this post, I would like to introduce a tool that I usually use to bootstrap web application projects, CRUDBooster, and guide you on steps to install on top of the laravel sail.

Before start let's begin by introduce CRUDBooster. CRUBooster is a laravel CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) generator. It provides an easy way to use, custom, and flexible for the beginner and professional to utilize it. It comes with a built-in CRUD generator and just needs your master data only. The documentation provided by their team is super easy to understand and follow.

Let's suppose you have followed instructions to set up a project with laravel sail and docker.

Step 1: Checking PHP version with compatibility with CRUDBooster

./vendor/bin/sail php --version

Step 2: Choose the right version of CRUDBooster to begin set up

By default PHP 8 is integrated with laravel sail. To work with CRUDBooster version 5.6 we have to change laravel sail to work with PHP 7.4 as below steps

  • Before you change anything, make sure to stop sail using sail down, then open the docker-compose.yml file and make the following changes: here, under laravel.test, build, context, make sure you change to runtimes/7.4 and then do the same for the image. Instead of sail-8.0, do sail-7.4 and save.
  • Once you've done that, go inside the terminal and run the following command: sail build --no-cache. This will rebuild your container images.
  • Finally run the sail up command to start sail again. And now if we type sail php -v again, we'll see that our new php version is 7.4.

./vendor/bin/sail composer require crocodicstudio/crudbooster=5.6.*

Step 3: Setting the database configuration, open .env file at the project root directory


Step 4:  Run the following command at the terminal

./vendor/bin/sail php artisan crudbooster:install

Step 5: Preview Admin Page

Open your web browser and visit /admin/login and input the default user name and password by CRUDBooster

default email :
default password : 123456

You can follow this link to learn more about how you can utilize CRUDBooster in an effective way.



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Software Engineer & Project Manager. I am willing to share IT knowledge, technical experiences and investment to financial freedom. Feel free to ask and contact me.

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