FROM Max Maher, Youtuber (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvEpUfXjXUQ)

In this blog post, we will recap techniques and ideas from Youtuber Max Maher on how you can invest your first-ever $10,000. Max Maher is a YouTuber talking about financial freedom and cryptocurrency. we really enjoy his content and wanted to recap his advice and suggest for everyone if you are the type of person who enjoys reading more than watching youtube. (Notes: this blog post is a complete summary of what's has been said in the youtube link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvEpUfXjXUQ)
In order to build your net worth, you have to eliminate any financial drags you have before doing an investment. Once you begin investing the primary goal of investing should be first to retain your money and the second goal should be to make a return on that money. There are two major boxes you need to check to have a solid financial foundation beneath your feet with nothing dragging your head underneath this financial water and those boxes are debt and emergency savings. This means before investing your first $10,000 pay off expensive debt. There are two types of debt good debt and bad debt. Good debt is a debt that brings you income and builds your wealth over time. It's about using debt money and create more money. Bad debt is credit card debt or car loan you have and the best thing you should do is to pay off that debt first. Emergency savings is the money you have to use within a couple of months such as food, mortgage, or clothes, etc. Then, if you meet the criteria above you can practices these 6 WAYS TO INVEST YOUR $10,000.
The most valuable investment is to invest time and money into yourself and realizing the value that your awesome brain can bring to the table. If you passively investing ten thousand dollars into anything and wanted to get rich from that investment the chance is extremely low. Ex. The S&P 500 index in the long run basically beat every individual investment and return on average about 8% a year and if you invest your $10,000 into S&P 500 for 40 years time span, therefore, your return would be $242,819 in the end. That is not enough to retire from your $10,000. Therefore, Invest In Yourself.
Learning is as cheap as you want to make it. You can do it for free at the library or you can pay for courses or you could pay for college. Our society doesn't care how much you paid for your education, society only cares about the value that you can bring. The more you know and educate yourself the more opportunities you will have and the more risks you will know how to mitigate. Learning is just like collecting and exploring something new which leads you to unlock everything else related.
This is some kind of financial extension of investing in yourself. If you are invested in a business you are likely to make 30%, 40%, or 50% returns annually on that money. By comparing to the investment on the stock market which returns about 8 to 10 percentage it's much likely investing in a business is much better. Once your passive and active income is built up that when you could invest in something else.
Invest in tax-efficient vehicles. Roth IRA is a retirement account where you deposit after-tax dollars, money that you've already paid tax on. You deposit that money into an account where you can re-invest in securities like ETF, Stock, Mutual Funds. Once you are in the age of 59 and a half-year-olds, all of the massive gains that you've accrued from years of compound interest are tax-free. It's an amazing tool to set you up for retirement and if you haven't started saving for retirement this could be a great option.
The best option to do ETF/Index is through your ROTH IRA account. ETF and Index Fund are the option for someone who has ten thousand dollars wants to invest somewhere smart but doesn't want to do any research because it gives you broad market exposure. The ETF and Index Funds are baskets of securities like stocks and bonds that give you diversification when you're investing. That way you just dump your $10,000 into S&P 500 and trust that in 20 years from now there're going to be much more than ten thousand dollars. There are a few ETFs you can invest in "Roundhill Acquires Deep Value ETF", "iShares Core High Dividend ETF", and "Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund ETF"
it's similar to the ROTH IRA account. It's tax-protected storing your money in a way that protects it from taxes. HSA (Health Savings Account) allows you to be safer when you, your lover, or your children are sick without paying taxes on that money first. You just need to do something smart with your money if these options are not for you.
Now let say you have no bad debt, savings built up, invest in yourself regularly, and invest in tax benefitted accounts and you still have some cash left then you can start investing in an individual stock. You may want to invest in well-priced companies that have stronger financials than their competitors. You can identify a good company by levels of debt, return on equity, level of earnings, and consistency of earnings. Finally, you can determine how the management thinks and what their goals and outlooks are.