4 Most Creative Design Admin Dashboards Using Bootstrap 5 and Tailwind
This blog post will introduce the 4 most creative design admin dashboards using bootstrap 5 and tailwind. All of these five admin dashboards allow freely use for unlimited copies for your personal and commercial projects.
It was created by "Creative Tim" designed using Bootstrap 5. You can click here to check the live preview of this admin dashboard. You can also check documents on how to use it through this blog. Creative Tim has designed and improved on Bootstrap 5 components such as Alerts, Badge, Modal, Navs, Navbar, etc. Furthermore, there are also plugins that come along with as well such as Datepicker, Fullcalendar, Sweet Alerts, etc.
Volt is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages, and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS. The demo site is lived preview in here and this design is also using bootstrap 5
Their slogan is "No frameworks, no dependencies. Pure, flexible web development" which was developed using a modern and popular CSS "TAILWIND" and you can freely access with components, pages, and class CSS ready for production uses. Live Preview
AdminKit is a developer-friendly & highly customizable Bootstrap 5 admin template, featuring hundreds of UI components, forms, tables, charts, and icons. You can find the preview live link here
All of these 4 admin dashboards might come completely free or with the upgrade pro version. If you want to upgrade and pay back to the creator, you should give it a try to use the professional version of their design in your project. THANK YOU.